
MABIT dan Muhasabah Akhir Tahun 2008 bersama YISC Al-Azhar


Youth Islamic Study Club Al Azhar


Assalamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh

Dalam Rangka Refleksi Akhir Tahun 2008 & Memasuki Tahun Baru Masehi 2009

Takmir Masjid Agung & YISC Al-Azhar



(Malam Bina Iman & Taqwa)


Muhasabah Akhir Tahun

Waktu:Rabu-Kamis ,31Desember2008-1Januari 2009
Pkl : 19.30 s/d Shubuh
Tempat : Masjid Agung Al-Azhar
Tasmi Al-Qur'an :

Ustadz.H. Efri Zarman, SQ

Tausiyah & Muhasabah :

Ustadz. K.H. Syarif Rahmat RA, SQ

Imam Qiyamullail : Ust. Ahmad Chotib, SQ

(Imam Masjid Agung Al Azhar )

Takmir Masjid Agung & YISC Al-Azhar

Sekretariat YISC Al-Azhar
Komp. Masjid Agung AL-AZHAR Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Keb. Baru Jakarta Selatan 12110
Telp/Fax : 0217247444 Website : http://www.yisc- alazhar.or.id/

Keutamaan Bulan Muharram dan Puasa Bulan Muharram

“Puasa yang paling utama setelah puasa Ramadan adalah puasa pada bulan Muharam, sedang salat yang paling afdal sesudah salat fardu adalah salat malam.”
(HR Muslim)

Ibnu Rajab al-Hambali mengatakan, Muharam disebut dengan syahrullah (bulan Allah) memiliki dua hikmah.

Pertama, untuk menunjukkan keutamaan dan kemuliaan bulan Muharam.

Kedua, untuk menunjukkan otoritas Allah dalam mengharamkan bulan Muharam.

Pengharaman bulan ini untuk perang adalah mutlak hak Allah saja, tidak seorang
pun selain-Nya berhak mengubah keharaman dan kemuliaan bulan Muharam.

Di samping itu, bulan Muharam juga memiliki banyak keutamaan. Salah satunya adalah sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah saw. di atas, “Puasa yang paling utama setelah puasa Ramadan adalah puasa pada bulan Muharam, sedang salat yang paling afdal sesudah salat fardu adalah salat malam.” (HR Muslim).

Puasa pada bulan Muharam yang sangat dianjurkan adalah pada hari yang
kesepuluh, yaitu yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah ‘aasyuura. Aisyah–semoga Allah meridainya– pernah ditanya tentang puasa ‘aasyuura, ia menjawab, “Aku tidak pernah melihat Rasulullah saw. puasa pada suatu hari yang beliau betul-betul mengharapkan fadilah pada hari itu atas hari-hari lainnya, kecuali puasa pada hari kesepuluh Muharam.” (HR Muslim).

Pada zaman Rasulullah, orang Yahudi juga mengerjakan puasa pada hari ‘aasyuura. Mereka mewarisi hal itu dari Nabi Musa. Dari Ibnu Abbas r.a., ketika Rasulullah saw. tiba di Madinah, beliau melihat orang-orang Yahudi berpuasa. Rasulullah saw. bertanya, “Hari apa ini? Mengapa kalian berpuasa?” Mereka menjawab, “Ini hari yang agung, hari ketika Allah menyelamatkan Musa dan kaumnya serta menenggelamkan Fir’aun. Maka Musa berpuasa sebagai tanda syukur, maka kami pun berpuasa.” Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Kami orang Islam lebih berhak dan lebih utama untuk menghormati Nabi Musa daripada kalian.”

Abu Qatadah berkata, Rasulullah saw. Bersabda, “Puasa ‘aasyuura menghapus dosa satu tahun, sedang puasa arafah menghapus dosa dua tahun.” (HR Muslim, Tirmizi, Abu Daud).

Pada awalnya, puasa ‘aasyuura hukumnya wajib. Namun, setelah turun perintah puasa Ramadan, hukumnya menjadi sunah. Aisyah r.a. berkata, “Rasulullah saw. memerintahkan untuk puasa ‘aasyuura sebelum turunnya perintah puasa Ramadan. Ketika puasa Ramadan diperintahkan, siapa yang ingin boleh puasa ‘aasyuura dan yang tidak ingin boleh tidak berpuasa ‘aasyuura.” (HR Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidzi).

Ibnu Abbas r.a. menyebutkan, Rasulullah saw. melakukan puasa ‘aasyuura dan beliau memerintahkan para sahabat untuk berpuasa. Para sahabat berkata, “Ini adalah hari yang dimuliakan orang Yahudi dan Nasrani. Maka Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Tahun depan insya Allah kita juga akan berpuasa pada tanggal sembilan Muharam.” Namun, pada tahun berikutnya Rasulullah telah wafat. (HR Muslim, Abu Daud). Berdasar pada hadis ini, disunahkan bagi umat Islam untuk juga berpuasa pada tanggal sembilan Muharam. Sebagian ulama mengatakan, sebaiknya puasa selama tiga hari: 9, 10, 11 Muharam. Ibnu Abbas r.a. berkata, Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Puasalah pada hari ‘aasyuura dan berbedalah dengan orang Yahudi. Puasalah sehari sebelum ‘asyuura dan sehari sesudahnya.” (HR Ahmad).

Ibnu Sirrin melaksanakan hal ini dengan alasan kehati-hatian. Karena, boleh jadi manusia salah dalam menetapkan masuknya satu Muharam. Boleh jadi yang kita kira tanggal sembilan, namun sebenarnya sudah tanggal sepuluh. (Majmuu’ Syarhul Muhadzdzab VI/406) . Wallahu a’lam.

Dalam Islam ada empat Bulan yang dimuliakan oleh Allah swt. Yaitu, Bulan Dzulqa’dah, Dzulhijjah, Muharram dan Bulan Rajab. Di bulan-bulan ini umat manusia dihimbau untuk tidak melaksanakan pertumpahan darah. Dan bagi umat Islam, bulan-bulan ini dianjurkan untuk meningkatkan taqarrub ilallah.

Allah swt berfirman : ”Sesungguhnya bilangan bulan pada sisi Allah adalah dua belas bulan, dalam ketetapan Allah di waktu dia menciptakan langit dan bumi, di antaranya empat bulan haram. Itulah (ketetapan) agama yang lurus, Maka janganlah kamu menganiaya diri kamu dalam bulan yang empat itu, dan perangilah kaum musyrikin itu semuanya sebagaimana merekapun memerangi kamu semuanya, dan ketahuilah bahwasanya Allah beserta orang-orang yang bertakwa.“ At Taubah : 36

Rasulullah SAW menganjurkan kepada umat Islam untuk melaksanakan shaum ‘Assyuraa (shaum hari kesepuluh) dari bulan Muharram ditambah dengan shaum sehari sebelumnya atau sesudahnya. Puasa sehari sebelumnya dinamakan Tasu’a, berasal dari kata tis’ah yang artinya sembilan. Karena puasa itu dilakukan pada tanggal 9 bulan Muharram.

Hal ini berdasarkan hadits-hadits yang diriwayatkan para sahabat. Antara lain :

Dari Humaid bin Abdir Rahman, ia mendengar Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan RA berkata: Wahai penduduk Madinah, di mana ulama kalian? Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Ini hari Assyura, dan Allah SWT tidak mewajibkan shaum kepada kalian di hari itu, sedangkan saya shaum, maka siapa yang mau shaum hendaklah ia shaum dan siapa yang mau berbuka hendaklah ia berbuka.” (HR Bukhari)

Hadits lainnya adalah hadits berikut ini :

Dari Ibnu Abbas RA, ia berkata: ketika Rasulullah SAW tiba di kota Madinah dan melihat orang-orang Yahudi sedang melaksanakan shaum assyuraa, beliau pun bertanya? Mereka menjawab, “Ini hari baik, hari di mana Allah menyelamatkan bani Israil dari musuh mereka lalu Musa shaum pada hari itu.” Maka Rasulullah SAW menjawab, “Aku lebih berhak terhadap Musa dari kalian”, maka beliau shaum pada hari itu dan memerintahkan untuk melaksanakan shaum tersebut. (HR Bukhari )

Juga ada hadits lainnya yang terkait dengan apa yang Anda tanyakan :

Dari Ibnu Abbas RA, ia berkata: pada saat Rasulullah SAW melaksanakan shaum Assyura dan memerintah para sahabat untuk melaksanakannnya, mereka berkata, “Wahai Rasulullah hari tersebut (assyura) adalah hari yang diagung-agungkan oleh kaum Yahudi dan Nashrani”. Maka Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Insya Allah jika sampai tahun yang akan datang aku akan shaum pada hari kesembilannya” . Ibnu Abbas berkata, “Rasulullah SAW meninggal sebelum sampai tahun berikutnya” (HR Muslim)

Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Shaumlah kalian pada hari assyura dan berbedalah dengan orang Yahudi. Shaumlah kalian sehari sebelumnya atau sehari sesudahnya.” (HR Ath-Thahawy dan Baihaqy serta Ibnu Huzaimah )

Fadhilah Shaum ‘Asyura’ (tanggal 10 Muharram) menurut Abu Qotadah bahwa Rasulullah bersabda: “Shaum Arofah menghapus dosa dua tahun, sedangkan shaum ‘Asyura’ menghapus dosa satu tahun sebelumnya.” [HR.Muslim].

Imam Nawawi ketika menjelaskan hadits di atas beliau berkata: “Yang dimaksud dengan kaffarat (penebus) dosa adalah dosa-dosa kecil, akan tetapi jika orang tersebut tidak memiliki dosa-dosa kecil diharapkan dengan shaum tersebut dosa-dosa besarnya diringankan, dan jika ia pun tidak memiliki dosa-dosa besar, Allah akan mengangkat derajat orang tersebut di sisi-Nya.”


Tahun Baru Islam 1430 H

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh,

AXIS Salam bersama dengan 11 komunitas Islam Indonesia dengan ini
mengundang Anda untuk datang dan menyemarakkan Tahun Baru Islam 1430
Hijriah di:

Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta
Minggu, 28 Desember 2008
Mulai pukul 13.00 – selesai

- Konser Religi Akustik bersama Opick dan kelompok nasyid, marawis
dari komunitas-komunitas Islam dan pesantren

- Tausyiah dan Prosesi Pernikahan Islami bersama Bunda Ningrum Maurice

- Bincang-bincang "Tips Menyiasati Keuangan Keluarga Islami"
bersama Dr. M. Syafii Antonio, M.Ec

- Talkshow "Menyingkap Rahasia Gerakan Sholat untuk Kesehatan"
bersama Dr. Sagiran, SpB, M.Kes

- Pameran Permainan Anak Islami (Tangga Anak Soleh, Hijaiyah Card,
Pojok Baca Anak Soleh, dan Tempat Penitipan Anak dengan beberapa
permainan yang mengajarkan aqidah dan akhlak dalam setiap permainannya)

- Moslemah Corner (Make Over oleh Wardah Cosmetics, Foto ala Cover
Majalah Noor dan Bazaar Aksesoris & Busana Muslim)

- Terapi Kesehatan Islami bersama Ustadz Kemal Faisal Ferik dan yang

Festival ini akan ditutup oleh Sholat Maghrib berjamaah, syukuran
massal bersama Majelis Az-Zikra, dan Refleksi & kontemplasi bersama
Haddad Alwi "Andai Rasulullah Hadir di Tengah Kita"

Yuk, ramai-ramai datang ke Festival Muharram 1430 Hijriah! Jadikan
tanggal 1 Muharram momen penting dalam kehidupan keislaman kita...

Acara terbuka untuk umum dan GRATIS!

Festival ini didukung oleh AXIS Salam bersama 11 Komunitas Islam
Indonesia untuk mendukung program "Sinergi Membangun Dakwah"

Komunitas-komunitas Islam yang saat ini telah bergabung:

Daarut Tauhiid, Az Zikra, Tazkia, Komunitas Cinta Rasulullah,
Komunitas Cinta Illahi, Irena Center, Radix Training Center, Majalah
NooR, SMASH, Komunitas Cinta Buku, GemaHati

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh


Hello World With Visual Studio 2005

Once you have completed the installation, which can take a while, load Visual Studio 2008. You will find it under Start/All Programs/Microsoft Visual Studio 2008/
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. If this is the first time you have ran VS2008 you will need to select a default language. I chose C++ but if you are interested in C# choose that. Your layout may look a little different than mine.

Once all of the initialization has finished you will see the Visual Studio 2008 Start Page pictured below.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 600x429.

In the left column you can see the Solution Explorer and a tab at the bottom labeled Class View.

Solution Explorer
Solution Explorer provides you with an organized view of your projects and their files as well as ready access to the commands that pertain to them. A toolbar associated with this window offers commonly used commands for the item you highlight in the list. To access Solution Explorer, select Solution Explorer on the View menu.

Class View
Class View displays the symbols defined, referenced, or called in the application you are developing. You can open Class View from the View menu. There are two panes: an upper Objects pane and a lower Members pane. The Objects pane contains an expandable tree of symbols whose top-level nodes represent projects. To expand a node selected in the tree, click its plus (+) sign or press the plus (+) key on the keypad.

Icons identify hierarchical structures employed within your projects, such as namespaces, types, interfaces, enums, and classes. You can expand these structures to list their members. Properties, methods, events, variables, constants, and other contained items are listed in the Members pane.

This hierarchical, project-by-project, view clarifies the symbolic structures within your code. You can use Class View to open files and navigate directly to the lines where symbols appear.


On the Right..
You can see the Properties Window and two tabs, Toolbox and Server Explorer (these tabs are vertical along the upper right hand corner). The properties window displays sizes, dimensions and other "properties" for objects. The Toolbox tab is where you select components and add to your form. For a more in depth guide on using the IDE I suggest you pick up a good book or even take a class.

Lets Make Our Program
Select File/New/Project and the New Project window will appear. Select Visual C#. If you don't see this option you may have to click the plus (+) beside Other Languages. This is because you have selected a default language other than C#. Highlight Windows Forms Application. Change the name to HelloWorld which will also change the solution name at the same time. Your window should look like mine:

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 600x460.

Click the OK button.

Designing the Application

You should now see a new new tab in the center labeled Form1.cs [Design]* next to the Start Page. In the center of the window you can see your new form respectively named Form1. Click directly on this. A dotted line will appear around it and the Properties Window will fill with values.

The first thing you should do is name your form appropriately. Find (Name) in the properties window (you may need to scroll) which should have a value of Form1. Change the value to frmMain. Preceding the names of your objects with what they are (frm = form) will create legible, clean code that is easy to read when you edit your code 1 month later. In this tutorial all objects will have a preceding name which specifies what they are.

The 2nd thing you should change is the text of your form which currently states Form1. The text label is simply the "title" of your form. Scroll down (or up) in the properties view until you find Text with a value of Form1. Change the value to "Hello World".

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 600x429.

Adding functionality
Mouse over the Toolbox tab on the right hand side to view the objects you can use:

Click on Button. Place your mouse cursor over the center of your form (frmMain), left-click and hold. Move your cursor to the right and bottom to create a square. Release the mouse button. You should now see a button in the center of your screen with the Text/Title of Button1.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 600x429.

First things First
Click on the button (button1) to see the properties of the object. Find (Name) with the value of button1 and change the value to btnHelloWorld. Scroll down and find Text with the value of button1. Change the value to Click Me.

You have now created a button and properly named/labeled it. The next step is adding the code that makes it work. Double click the button (btnHelloWorld) in the center of your form. This actually creates the button click event function and brings up the code window.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 600x429.

Your cursor is directly below the opening curly bracket { and directly above the closing bracket }. The first thing you should do when a new function is created is comment the code. The Visual Studio 2008 IDE has built in functions that assist you in this task. Press the up arrow three times. Press Enter once. Now press the forward slash (/) three times. As you left of the forward slash the third time XML comments are created for entering function data. Your cursor will be between the summary tags. Enter here what the function below will do. Our function will create a message box with the text "Hello World". Hence, enter:

/// Function to create Message Box with
/// text "Hello World".
Notice as you press enter three new forward slashes (/) are entered automatically and your cursor is indented to the correct place. This is one of the great features of the VS IDE, automatic indention. You may not appreciate it much now but if you ever do work in Notepad or a similar non programming text editor you will learn how much it helps.

Move your cursor down below the function btnHellowWorld_Click:

private void btnHelloWorld_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Your cursor should be just below the opening bracket { and just above the closing bracket }. Type MessageBox.Show("Hello World");. Notice the autofill drop down that appears. Another feature of the Visual Studio suite that you will find very useful in time. As you type functions are highlighted in this autofill, pressing enter before you finish typing will automatically fill the text in for you.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 600x429.

MessageBox Function
Displays a modal dialog box that contains a brief application-specific message, such as status or error information. The message box returns an integer value that indicates which button the user clicked.


Running the Code
There are two ways to run the code:

1) Goto Debug/Start Debugging
2) Press F5

Choose either of the options and your code will be compiled and ran.

Click the button "Click Me". You should see:

source :

Demo PictureBox, ListBox, dan FileIO

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Pada demo kali ini, kita akan mempelajari komponen: ListBox, PictureBox, dan sedikit mengenai FileIO. Berikut detail pengetahuan tentang komponen yang digunakan:


- Cara menghapus items

- Cara mengetahui item apa yang dipilih dalam string

- Cara mengetahui apakah Item terpilih atau indexnya berubah


- Cara menghapus gambar di PictureBox

- Cara mengubah gambar

- Cara menampilkan gambar dengan Stretch


- Cara mencari file tertentu

- Cara menemukan lokasi MyPictures yang aktif sekarang

Caranya yaitu:

1. Buat project baru dengan menu File -> New Project

2. Pilih icon Windows Forms Application, dan ketikkan di kotak Name “DemoPict” dan klik OK

3. Tambahkan pada form komponen berikut ini: ListBox1, PictureBox1, dan Button1 (Name = “btnCari”)

4. Ketikkan program berikut ini:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnCari_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCari.Click

' menghapus items
' menghapus gambar yang sudah di load
PictureBox1.ImageLocation = ""

' mencari gambar jpg, gif dan bmp di folder MyPictures
For Each Gambar As String In _
My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles( _
My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyPictures, _
FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, _
"*.jpg*", "*.gif", "*.bmp*")

' menambah path gambar yang ketemu di ListBox

' Beritahu kalo tidak ada gambar di MyPictures
If ListBox1.Items.Count < 1 Then
MsgBox("Tidak ada gambar di fole MyPictures", _
MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Hasil Pencarian")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged

' mengubah gambar PictureBox1 sesuai dengan item ListBox1
PictureBox1.ImageLocation = ListBox1.SelectedItem
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

' mengubah mode ukuran PictureBox menjadi StretchImage
PictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
End Sub

End Class

5. Tekan tombol F5. Selesai

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb


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Showcase Article - Report Layout Utility (RLU)

Learning to use the tools on the AS/400 is one of the best ways to leverage your expertise. Managers may be surprised to learn how easy it is to provide users with sample report layouts that can be designed with an on-line tool. This on-line tool is RLU, Report Layout Utility. Because many programmers find its interface to be confusing, not many have become proficient RLU users. Read on and you will learn to create report layouts quickly and easily.

In the early days of RPG, reports were always printed using OUTPUT specifications. With the advent of DDS, it became possible to make print files using DDS. This is similar to the way DDS is used to make display files. The AS/400 provides SDA, Screen Design Aid, as an on-line tool to design display files. Similarly, RLU, is an on-line tool to design reports.

Suppose a user needs a report showing:

1. Customer number
2. Customer name
3. Customer city
4. Annual purchase amount
These fields are in the customer master file, CUST. We will write an RPG program, CUSR005 to read the CUST file and write a print file, CUSW005.

Figure 1 shows the finished report that we will design with RLU. To start RLU, enter the command STRRLU and hit F4. Enter QDDSSRC as the source file. Enter the library name and CUSW005 as the source member. Since this is a narrow report, enter 65 for the page width. For a standard width report, you would use 132 for the page width.

RLU now displays its DESIGN REPORT screen. RLU uses so many function keys that there is a base set of function keys and an alternate set of keys. F22 is used to toggle between the base keys and the alternate keys. Right now RLU shows the word, BASE in the upper left portion of the screen to indicate that the base set of function keys is in use. F22 changes to the alternate keys and the changes the display from BASE to ALT.

The simplest way to use RLU is to define each line as a separate record. To start working with a line of the report, key DR for DEFINE RECORD in the command area on a blank line. When you hit the enter key, RLU names the record with the default name RCD001. After defining a record, enter VF for VIEW FIELDS in the command area of the same line. RLU then adds a line above the record to show the field information.

The heading for the report will be CUSTOMER ANNUAL PURCHASES. On the line with RCD001, key in the heading. Then, convert this string of characters to a constant. Do this by placing the cursor on the first character of the heading and hitting F11 for DEFINE FIELD. Hit F11 again and then ENTER to convert the string of characters to a constant. Finally, center the heading by keying CF for CENTER FIELD on the command portion of the RCD001 line. When you hit ENTER, the heading will center.

Now, create a second record. This will be used to print the customer fields. First insert a line to work with. Key I for INSERT in the command area of the RCD001 line and hit ENTER. Then, as before, key DR to define this as a record and then VF for VIEW FIELDS.

Next, use RLU to retrieve the field definitions from the master file. Hit F10 for DATABASE FIELDS. Key 1 for the option to ADD FIELD. Leave the FIELD value blank. Enter the library name and CUST for the File. Enter the record name of the CUST file. RLU will then retrieve all the fields in the CUST file and list them. Select the fields for the report. Hit ENTER until you return to the DESIGN REPORT screen.

The names of the fields you selected are at the bottom of the screen. Each field is sequentially numbered. To insert the first field in the report, key 1 in the text area of the FLD record above the detail record line. When you hit ENTER, RLU puts that field in the layout. RLU has re-sequenced the remaining fields. Place the remaining fields in the report.

If you overlap fields, RLU can get confusing. The simplest way to recover is to delete the record by keying a D in the command area of the record. Then start the record over. If you want to remove a field, put the cursor on the field and hit F16. If you need to move a field, use F13 to mark where the cursor is positioned and then F15 to move the field to a new location.

Now that you have placed the fields in a detail record, create headings for the detail line. Insert a line above the detail line. As always, key DR for DEFINE RECORD and then VF to VIEW FIELDS. Simply key the headings in the text area of the blank record that you inserted. Then convert each field to a constant by putting the cursor on the first character of each literal and hitting F11 twice.

To help visualize the report, create some sample data lines. Make 5 copies of the detail line by keying SD5 on the command line of the detail line.

Now, add a line at the bottom of the report for the total annual purchases. Do this by keying I in the command line of the last record on the screen. As always, key DR and then VF in the command area of the record.

Key the word TOTAL in the text area of the record. Convert the word to a constant by placing the cursor on the first letter of the word and hitting F11 twice. Now, add a new field for the accumulated total. This can get confusing.

Place the cursor where you want the total amount to print. Hit F11 to DEFINE FIELD. On the DEFINE FIELD INFORMATION screen, change the name of the field from the default FLD001 to TOTPUR. Change the length of data to 9. Hit PAGE DOWN. Change the data type to 2 for ZONED and enter 2 for decimal positions. Then hit F10 to WORK WITH KEYWORDS. Select EDTCDE by keying 2 next to it. Hit ENTER and key 1 for the EDTCDE value. Hit ENTER a few times and you will see that you have added a field for the total purchases.

Finally, add the date and page counter to the first heading line. Do this by adding a field of the appropriate length, converting it to a constant and then selecting the appropriate keyword. Also, rename the records by using F18 for RECORD KEYWORDS and then F10 to rename the record.

Exit RLU with F3. You can save the DDS, compile it and generate a prototype report all from the exit screen.

Figure 2 shows the complete RPG program to print the report.

Figure 1 - This is the finished report designed by RLU.

FLD1 <........> <.......................> <..> <...>
FLD1 <..> <...........> <..> <..........>
00004 +
FLD1 <....> <.......................> <.............> <.......>
FLD1 <...> <..........>
TOTL TOTAL 9,999,999.99

Figure 2 - This is the complete RPG program to print the report.

C Move *On *In99
C Read CUST 90
C *In90 DoWEq *Off
C *In99 IfEq *ON
C Write HDG1
C Write HDG2
C Move *Off *In99
C EndIf
C Write DTL
C Read CUST 90
C EndDo
C Write TOTL
C Eval *INLR = *On
C Return

source : www.texas400.com


Tour Priangan Timur

Latar Belakang.
tak terasa kerja sudah 2 bulan lebih. Dengan itu pula berpisah dengan teman2 asrama. ( gk menarik nih...!). Memang yang nama nya teman pasti merasakan keterikatan hati2 ini, meskipun nun jauh disana. Jadi teringat kisah para sahabat Rasul yang dipisah kan antara madinah dengan mekah. Nah dengan rasa ini pula maka direncanakan untuk dilakukan tour yang sudah direncanakan dulu ketika kelas 2. CUma, karena beberapa
hal dan yang lainnya maka tour pun di pending.

Lanjut cerita, ada email dari K Dodo vs T Sri ( mang maen bola...pake versus2an ha2 ) untuk melangsungkan pernikahan. Kebetulan ( takdir..kale ) tempatnya di Tasikmalaya,
tepatnya di kabupaten tasik. Nah ideu pun muncul dengan sendiri nya. Kulayang kan pesan singkat secara asyncrounus.Bisa disebut rapat on phone lah respon teman2an pun baik.
Nah Akhirnya diambil keputusan untuk berangkat tour...seteleh mempertimbangkan banyak kondisi...tuk..tuk..tuk palu pun diketuk.

Persiapan & Member
rencana keberangkatan di mulai dari bandung, @domitory lovely. Saya absen satu2 :
Adi Aman ( from Riau hadir..!),
Opan ( from kuningan hadir..!),
Arif S, Mamat & Saya ( from jakarta hadir..!),
Nana ( from garut hadir..!),
Heri ( from tangerang hadir..!),
Jalal ( from Bandung hadir..! ),
Arif F ( from asrama hadir..! )
Total = 9 Orang.

Rute Perjalanan
Bandung -> Garut -> Tasik Kota -> Tasik Kabupaten -> Ciamis.

Jalannya Acara
Biasalah di bandung kita bercuap-cuap pengalaman, termasuk kegagalan keberangkatan waktu itu. ( ups...gk usah d bahas )

bekunjung ke rumah Heri, Alhamdulillah keluarganya menyambutdengan hangat kedatangan kami.
Cuma garut itu garut
1. Dingin
2. Mengingakan Waktu SD, sempat sebulan di sana , di petirahan ( maklum wektu kecil nakal lah... )

@Tasik Kota
Cuma Lewat...kwkwkwkwk ( gk bener ah...)

- Mancing Ria
- Dawegan Ria ( Kelapa Muda )
- Bakar Ikan Ria
- Buka Puasa Ria
- Rambutan Ria
- Takbiran Ria ( pas lebaran Ied kan... )
- Sholat Ied Ria
- Berfotho Ria ( udah pada tau ikhwan itu narsis, tapi

gedung titik asrama juga ternyata lebih narsis ( karena liat di YM) kwkwkwkwk....) termasuk fotho2 bareng keluarga besar asrama feat My Familly...(fotho blum d upload)

@Tasik Kabupaten
- Di kota ini kita berkunjung ke rumahnya Office Boy Asrama ( aa sundawa ),
ternyata kluarganya ada di Tasik toh...
- Dateng ke Kondangan/Walimahan Kang Dodo Vs Teh Sri...
- Makan Ria Lagi
- Fotho Ria Lagi

Pulang Kita berpisah
1.to Bandung
2.to Jakarta

Tebak saya pilih yang mana ( ya 2 lah... ) bareng sodara nya kang Dodo kbetulan mw ke jakarta. Yo Wiss kita pun ikut bareng.

Pengalaman Menarik Dengan Paman nya ( Pak Roso ) Sbelum berangkat dia banyak cerita termasuk pengalaman. Tapi gk terasa pembicaraanye begitu mengingatkan akhirat.

Semoga Persahabatan Bukan sampe di sini, dan kita bisa dipertemukan dalam keluarga besar Asrama di Jannah Nya...Amien

Ya Allah sungguh besar karunia dan Nikmat-Mu ini ya Allah, Dan akhirnya aku pun TEPAR di jakarta ( ketika nulis ini ),tapi puas telah bersua dengan mereka. Semoga
petualangan akan dimulai....


Untuk Sahabat2 yang milad di bulan Desember

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang. Ya Allah panjangkanlah umur kami, sehatkanlah tubuh kami, terangilah hati-hati kami, tetapkanlah iman kami, perbaikilah amal-amal kami dan luaskanlah rizki kami. Dekatkanlah kami kepada kebaikan dan jauhkanlah kami dari kejelekan. Penuhilah hajat kami, dunia dan akhirat, akhirilah hidup kami dengan iman, Islam dan ikhsan. Tutuplah akhir hidup kami dengan baik dan janganlah engkau mengakhiri hidup kami dengan jelek.

Ya Allah, jadikanlah akhir perkataan kami ucapan “LA ILAAHA ILLALLAH” dengan rahmat-mu wahai sebaik-baik Penyayang. Rahmat dan kesejahteraan semoga tercurah atas junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad SAW beserta para keluarga dan sahabatnya. Dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam.


Barakallah sahabat-sahabat semua yang milad di bulan desember. Ada sekitar 7 orang, semoga berkah sisa umur dan umur yang lewat.

Dulu Kita Seperti ini...

Dan Ingat Sekarang Kita smakin dekat dengan ini....

Selamat Milad Sahabat....


PHP-GTK say "Hello World!"

Tutorials initial PHP-GTK to show for writing Hello World.

As usual, we start coding dg show kata2 'Miracle' this debate. I press the button that the user writings "Hello World!", "But it will be writing in-print to the console (it in the windows, command prompt)

if (!class_exists('gtk')) {
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0,3) == 'WIN'))

function shutdown()
print("Mati deh....");

function hello()
global $window;
print "Hello World!";

$window = &new GtkWindow();
$window->connect('destroy', 'shutdown');

$button = &new GtkButton('Hello World!');
$button->connect('clicked', 'hello');




Let's surgical contents:
6 line, which made the point that the first load PHP-GTK extension of the OS-appropriate it. I windows, php_gtk.dll, but in linux, php_gtk.so.
Sure we jump to the first part of the main program.
$ window = & new GtkWindow ();
make the point that defines the new instance, to name a GtkWindow (). She language, make it a new window.

$ window-> connect ( 'Destroy', 'shutdown');
It is, we manggil method connect (), a window in his Destroy, it's shutdown function executed. And the shutdown function in its own contents gtk: main_quit () is a loved-shutdown applications PHP-GTK.

$ button = new GtkButton & ( 'Hello World!');
$ button-> connect ( 'clicked', 'hello');
$ window-> add ($ button);
Well, now we try to make buttons. First, in the first definisiin, "but in-connect, I clicked in, then he will call the function hello (to-be Hello World bank in the console)," but add to the window.

$ window-> show_all ();
gtk: main ();
And do not forget to show_all (), though all year I make it in the window.
I gtk: main () function is a program we memberitau I finished, and will continue in the loop, while continuing nunggu interaction from the user, in this loved-loved and click the button-close the window. I was, trying to save petroleum (for example, the file name it hello.php-gtk) and a walking program:
php-q directory / hello.php-gtk
Let say again .... HELLO WORLD!

Hello World, Java!

I Wr.Wb.

Well .. once you know how to download and install on the netbeans + java script before, now you are ready to start the program Hello World, Java first. Create a new project by following the steps below:

1. Netbeans IDE on the menu, select the File menu -> New Project.
2. In the New Project window, select Java in the Categories box, and select Java Application Projects in the box. Click the Next button.
3. Type the name of "Markers" in the Project Name box, and adjust the location of your project in the Project Location and project folders.
4. Remove the check on the option Create Main Class and the Set As Main Project. And click the Finish button.

1. Then right-click on the Projects window, and select New -> Java Class.
2. Type "HelloWorld" in the Class Name box, and click the Finish button.
3. Next, you can program the following code
  1. public class HelloWorld { 
    public static void main(String[] args){
    System.out.println("Hallo Dunia!\n");
4. Then press the Shift + F6 to mengkompile.
5. Result you can see in the Output window, or you can also go to the terminal, enter the location of your project, for example: "/ home / dedygunanto / NetBeansProjects / tutorials / build / classes." And type in command
  1. shell > java HelloWorld
  2. The result you can see in the picture below:


C++ Tutorial

C++ (pronounced 'see plus plus', is a general-purpose, programming language with high-level and low-level capabilities.[1] It is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, usually compiled language supporting procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming. Since the 1990s, C++ has been one of the most popular commercial programming languages.

C++ is regarded as a mid-level language. This indicates that C++ is comprised of a combination of both high-level and low-level language features.

Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ (originally named 'C with Classes') in 1983 at Bell Labs as an enhancement to the C programming language. Enhancements started with the addition of classes, followed by, among other features, virtual functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates, and exception handling. The C++ programming language standard was ratified in 1998 as ISO/IEC 14882:1998, the current version of which is the 2003 version, ISO/IEC 14882:2003. A new version of the standard (known informally as C++0x) is being developed.

I have written c++ tutorial (how to program the computer with c++) but unfortunately in Indonesian. You may download these tutorials without any permissions from the author.


Configuration SMS gateway By Gammu

created by yadi mulyadi

Celluler manager GAMMU is used for mobile phone or modem. Gammu contains a set of libraries and functions related to the functions of mobile phones in general, such as SMS, dial and other functions. Gammu support with the MySQL database. In the implementation of gammu, need to set communication between the computer and a modem / mobile phone, gammu with the data base, gammu with the programming language. The following configuration is required:

1. Configuration gammurc

gammurc is one of the files provided by the GAMMU function as a reference when making a connection between the computer and other media. Other media can be a mobile phone or modem. Gammurc found in the file written as follows:



port = ‘’

#model = ‘’

connection = ‘’

#synchronizetime = yes



Word [gammu] showed a set of configuration for a connection to the SMS gateway,
when using more than one connection will be added [gammu1], [gammu2] ... etc. with
some configuration of each. Only two of disetting to gammu can run the port and a

Port filled hp port connector to the computer (needs to be connectornya meggunakan
usb, bluetooth or any other) connection and filled with the atcommand. Ex:



port = com3:

#model = k510i

connection = at115200

#synchronizetime = yes



2. Configuration smsdrc